Communication and Influence

Communication and Influence

Skip level meetings for product managers - what is it, why is it important, how to use it to accelerate your career

To be successful, product managers need to increase their impact and visibility. In this guide understand how Skip-level meetings can help you increase impact and visibility.
Communication and Influence

Cognitive Biases - Definition, Examples, Impact - A Guide for Product Managers

Cognitive biases are mental shortcuts that can lead to errors in judgment and decision-making. This guide for product managers explains what cognitive biases are, provides examples, and discusses their impact on product development. Learn how to identify and mitigate cognitive biases to build better products and make better decisions for your users and your business.
Communication and Influence

Mental Models: A guide to Enhance Decision-Making for Product Managers

Leverage mental models to improve your decision-making skills. Explore how using practical frameworks can help you make smarter choices, solve problems more effectively, and ultimately succeed as a product manager.
Communication and Influence

13 things you can do today to learn effective communication

Discover 13 practical tricks to improve your communication today. These exercises range from explaining complex topics to simplifying messages for different audiences. By challenging yourself to communicate concisely and effectively, you can strengthen your communication abilities.